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Microsoft details AJAX navigation implemented in IE8

Ars Technica shares some info on IE8's support for HTML5 AJAX page navigation.

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Not exactly web design related, but a rather interesting service that lets you send future emails to yourself.

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Obfuscated JavaScript Redux

The latest in JavaScript obfuscation to hide malware involves the use of referral info and JavaScript's "arguments.callee."

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WordPress 2.6 released

Wordpress 2.6 has just been released, and adds Wiki-like tracking of post edits, use of Gears for faster page rendering for admins, theme previews, and more.

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HTML 5 data- Attributes

A new feature being introduced in HTML 5 is the addition of custom data attributes. Get an overview of this great new feature.

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Creating Your Own Custom Del.icio.us Badge

See how to customize the Del.icio.us badge that lets your visitors bookmark pages from your site to Del.icio.us, among other things.

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Vector Illustration: 60+ Illustrator Tutorials, Tips and Best Practices

60 remarkable illustrator tutorials, tips, best practices from some of the best illustrators and artists out there; besides you´ll also find references to brilliant illustrator Portfolios.

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jQuery HTML tooltip

jQuery based HTML tooltips that are defined online on the page as DIV elements.

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